Although this is a new ride, it should be considered an expansion of the existing LOL 1,000k and will be run in the same semi-self supported style.
The 2019 LOL 1,000k web page is here:
LOL 1,000k, and has more information on these details.
Bag drop - We expect to have a bag drop this year. If we do, it will be to a limited number of locations. Please make your plans assuming this is a self supported ride with occasional access to drop bags.
There is light support planned. There will be at least one vehicle on the road. We'll be carrying common repair parts and tools. Parts will be available at cost. As our goal is to have as many finishers as possible, the support vehicle will be concentrating on those at the rear of the group.
Riders are expected to make their own arrangements for overnight lodging, meals, etc.
NOTE: If you are interested in riding this brevet, please contact the
RBA to be put on the interest list!
Please put LOL2022 someplace in the message subject so it will stand out.
If you don't hear back from me within a few days, please hit me again! Like most of us, I do have a day job, and occasionally get buried in e-mail.
2020 2021, make that 2022 will be the inaugural running of this event, and the rider cap will be small.
There will also be a 1,000k option. This will be the first 1,000k of the 1,200k route. Return to the start is the riders responsibility. A permanent route is expected to be in place to return to the start.
Please note that is an an evening start.
This is to align with traffic conditions, several non-24x7 crossings and I like night riding.
The exact start time will be fixed after the pre-ride.
Risk of Cancellation
In order to run the event, the border needs to be open by mid May to allow time to do a final route drive, route update, pre-ride and final route update.
Current information on border status is available at:
You may have to dig a bit on these websites, and they change frequently.
As always, there are other factors beyond our control that could lead to cancellation.
The Elephant in the Room.
All COVID related restrictions and recommendations, as well as the organizers COVID procedures will be strictly adhered to.
Any violation will be subject to an immediate disqualification on the spot. Any baggage will be left at the next planned bag drop. A signature agreeing to this will be required at the ride start.
Any additional restrictions imposed by the organizer will be available when the ride fee is paid, and are subject to change as the situation changes.
Border crossing
This is an international event. Passports, or other approved documentation is required at the border crossings.
As examples, other documentation would include a Passport Card. If you're using anything other than a passport, please verify it is acceptable and up to date.
Please note that if you have a DUI, or other criminal conviction, you may be denied entry to Canada/The US.
If this applies to you, please check the government website for information on your situation.
Formal Registration
As the ability to hold the event is uncertain, formal registration will not open until we're confident the event will be held.
I understand that people need to make leave/vacation plans, book travel, book lodging along the route, etc., well in advance. However, under the current conditions, remaining flexible is best.
1,200k Qualification
LOL ancien, or organizer's discretion based on rider's experience.
Contact the RBA with any questions about qualification, or alternatives.
Ride fee
The ride fee will be estimated expenses divided among the riders. This will be fixed several weeks before the ride, and will be due at check in.
Current estimate, subject to change is about $100 - $125.
There may also be a liability insurance surcharge for the Canadian section of the ride. More when I know more.
What the fee includes:
Bag drop
Light support
A good time had by all on an interesting route
Finisher's medal
As the risk of cancellation is high, the finishers medals will not be ordered until we're certain the event will happen, and may not be available at the finish. Should that happen, they will be mailed to the finishers when available.
Rider Cap
Should more riders register than we can accommodate, a lottery will be held to reduce the number.
Route changes from the existing LOL 1,000k
The portion of the LOL 1,200k in the US is expected to be the same as the 1,000k route. We plan on using the Glenora ferry, and the portion in Canada up to about the 380km point, Picton, is expected to be the same as the 1,000k. After that, the 1,200k will avoid route 1 across Prince Edward county, and swing wider around the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) onto quieter roads. We'll also spend some of those extra kilometers avoiding the service roads along the QEW on the Niagara Peninsula. We'll do that by riding the high ground in the center of the peninsula, from where you can see both lakes Erie and Ontario.
Instead of passing through Niagara On The Lake at the north end of the Niagara River, we'll visit Ft. Erie, and ride north on the Niagara Parkway past Niagara Falls to the border crossing on the Rainbow Bridge in sight of Niagara Falls.
The current draft route is at:
Please note this link will change as the route evolves!
Check back here for the current link!
The RWGPS route will change as we adjust the route to take advantage of services, potential overnight stops and more pleasant roads.
Due to liability insurance requirements, RUSA membership is required to participate.
The ride is run in the Western/Central New York RUSA region by Finger Lakes Randonneurs. Please contact the
RBA for more information.
Last Change:
2022 update 10/10/2021