Finger Lakes Randonneurs
Central and Western NY Region
Rider information and Registration for 2024 Western NY Water Falls 400k/600k/1,000k/1,200k/1,300k

Please be accurate. This information will be used to automatically pre-print your waiver and brevet card, and to mail back your brevet card. What you enter is exactly what will be used.
Note: For security reasons, none of this data is held on line
Any questions, contact me!

When you hit "Send" at the bottom of this form the information is e-mailed directly to the RBA, and a copy to you.
After I've verified RUSA membership, I'll send you a confirmation e-mail with further information.
If you don't have a response from me within a few days, please contact me!!

First Name: 
Last Name: 
Street Number: 
State/Province (2 letter abbreviation): 
Zip/Postal code: 
RUSA # (mandatory):  RUSA membership is mandadory!!
Your E-Mail Address: 
Home Phone: 
Cell number during ride: 
Emergency contact name(s): 
Emergency contact phone number(s): 

Type of bike you'll be riding:  Single    Tandem    Other    
Partner, if riding tandem: 

We'll stock the support car with 700c/650b tires and tubes. If you're riding something else, please check this and describe in the "Anything else you'd like me to know?" box, and we'll stock up.

Distance you'll be riding:  400k 600k 1,000k 1,200k 1,300k
May be changed up to check in

Will you be fully vaccinated against COVD19 at least 14 days before the ride start? 
Yes No

T-Shirt size:  XS S M L XL XXL

Dietary restirictions? 
We'll have quick food at the Ontario control, and some snacks/drinks on the support cars.
For "Other" please describe in the "Anything else you'd like me to know?" box.

This is so you can co-ordinate with other riders for lodging, car pooling, etc.

Optional identifying information, just in case....
Sex: Male Female

Anything else you'd like me to know?

When you click "SEND" an e-mail will be sent to me with this information, and I'll add you to my database.
Once I've done that, I'll e-mail you a confirmation.

Last change July 12, 2024 Disable 9/21/24